5 Ways to Save Money During the Holidays

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The Holidays are a time for connecting with people we love the most, to reflect on another beautiful year of friendship, love, and family. While we all feel a whole lot of joy in showing our loved ones appreciation with special gifts, it’s never a bad thing to learn how to save money during the holidays. Here are 5 great Holiday money saving secrets to help you give to your heart’s content and spread the cheer, without breaking your budget!

  1. Sign up for your favorite brands and business’ newsletters.

Think Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals were the only opportunities for huge savings during the Holiday shopping season? Think again! By signing up for newsletters of your favorite clothing retailers and businesses, you’ll often receive secret promotions and coupons that aren’t released to the public. Even airlines host undercover deals during the holidays that they’ll only mention to those savvy enough to sign up for their newsletter list. Why is this? Companies consider those who sign up to be a more loyal customer. That’s why it’s cost effective for these companies to reach out to a select few who they think are 50% more likely to act on a promotion — rather than pump thousands of dollars into a national advertisement. Who comes out on top? You do!

  1. Follow your favorite brands on Social Media.

In the same spirit of #1, it’s not uncommon for companies to reward loyal media followers and friends with pop-up flash sales, exclusive deals, and insider scoops on new product releases. Although Facebook and Instagram might not be the first place you’d think you’d find a deal, that’s where many of the best promotions are!

  1. Deal Sites

Sometimes the gift of a fun new experience can be even more exciting than a material possession. Browse deal sites like Living Social, Amazon Local, and Groupon for deep discounts on adventures like horseback riding, boat tours, five course meals, and vineyard wine tastings. You can even give the gift of better health with discount packages on Yoga and Kickboxing classes.

  1. Anonymous gift exchange or White Elephant party

Family parties are a blast – but often not such a blast for your wallet. One way to curb the anxiety of having to buy for everyone in your family (and every niece, nephew, or younger cousin) is to opt for an anonymous gift exchange or White Elephant party with a conservative spending limit to take some of the pressure off. Even the kids can have great fun with this, (as long as most packages are around the same size!). www.Elfster.com is a great too for even doing this digitally. White Elephant games are best played by a group of adults with a silly sense of humor, since it is a satire on getting bad holiday gifts. You can get even more creative by checking out this list of 25 Holiday Games!

  1. eCards, Bulk Buys, and Carpools

Last but not least, sometimes it’s more obvious things we overlook during the Holidays that can save us a ton of cash. Things like carpooling to go holiday shopping, opting to make meals at home during the holiday months, sending out holiday eCards rather than spending over $50 on paper cards and postage, and buying holiday treats in bulk deals to bring as cheer offerings to upcoming gatherings. Even splitting that cab to a party with a few friends can really help take the edge off of Holiday spending. Hunt for opportunities where more people pitching in — is the merrier option!

We wish you smart spending and a very happy Holiday season from Empire Tax Professionals! Share this article with your friends and family to spread the Holiday Savings love!

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